Become an ICSP Scholar

The Australian Government’s In-Country Scholarship Program (ICSP) offers opportunities for potential leaders and technical specialists of the Bangsamoro to pursue postgraduate studies in premier academic institutions in the Philippines and contribute to addressing the needs of the Bangsamoro government. The program aims to respond to the human resource development (HRD) priorities of the new Bangsamoro government as it pursues its vision of a “united, enlightened, self-governing, peaceful, just, morally upright, and progressive” region in Mindanao.

ICSP Throughout the Years

Launched in 2012, the ICSP complements the Australia Awards Scholarships by providing learning opportunities for individuals in the Bangsamoro region who are unable to study in Australia because of work or family demands. Under this program, the development of competencies will be carried out through postgraduate studies that aim to continue building up a pool of professionals who may be tapped by the new government for its posts or lead in facilitating development activities. Since its launch, a total of 158 awardees from Mindanao have been granted this study option through two runs of the program.

In 2019, the approval and subsequent implementation of the Republic Act 11054, an Act Providing for the Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), heralded a new chapter for the Bangsamoro people. This impels the BARMM government, and its agencies to ensure the presence of a team of competent human resources to manage its operations and accelerate developments in the region.

In response to this challenge, the Australian Awards and Alumni Engagement Program-Philippines (AAAEP-P) through ICSP will support the human resource development (HRD) priorities of the new Bangsamoro government in pursuing peace and security in Mindanao and delivering government services in the Region. The ICSP’s overall strategy centers on competency building and enhancement and intends to contribute in addressing selected HRD needs of the BARMM Government. It will also support building competencies that will take part in addressing COVID-19 and the post-pandemic period.

The priority themes for program study are:

  • Agronomy
  • Forestry
  • Agri-Business
  • Fisheries
  • Engineering (Civil Engineering, Structural)
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Social Welfare and Development
  • Public / Community Health
  • Enterprise Development
  • Gender
  • Human Resource / Organisational Development
  • Peace and Development
  • Development Communication

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Update on Applications for ICSP Program Year 3 Image

Applications for ICSP Batch 3

Applications for the ICSP Batch 3 is now closed.

Am I Eligible?

What are the eligibility criteria?


Filipino citizens, residing and working in the Bangsamoro region, who are committed to work for the development of the BARMM


At least two (2)-year work experience after completing undergraduate degree


Has not been the subject of any disciplinary actions that warranted suspension or expulsion from your employers. A certification of no pending administrative case from employer is required


Not a current beneficiary of any scholarship or other education assistance program at the time of application or for the duration of the scholarship

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

What are terms and conditions of the scholarships?


The scholarship awards shall be for the prescribed duration to finish the degree program


The scholarship is valid for the academic year following the offer of award and cannot be deferred except for justifiable reasons as determined by the ICSP


Scholars are to maintain good academic standing in the academic institutions and to comply with the prescribed retention policy of the university and the ICSP


The awardees are to execute a Scholarship Agreement with ICSP and their respective organisations


Evaluation of the academic performance is undertaken every term against ICSP policies and progress notes and grades provided by the scholar's academic institution.

The Application Process

How do I apply?


Fill out the online application form


Gather the following required documents:


From your current employer:

  • Nomination to the scholarship for those employed in BARMM agencies. (download template here -  The filled out nomination signed by your agency head need to be scanned and uploaded in your own application form under "Section 13 Upload Documents".    
  • Declaration/Certificate of no pending administrative case


Re-entry Action Plan (REAP). This serves as your plan to apply learning from the post-graduate program study. 

View the annotated guide on crafting your REAP here (

Download the REAP Template for editing.  You will be asked to upload this filled up REAP in the application form. 


Completed Application Form + Documents + REAP

Scholarship Entitlements

What are the scholarships entitlements?

Full Tuition and other Approved School Fees

The academic institutions will bill ICSP the full tuition and other approved school fees.  ICSP will pay this directly to the school. 

Book Allowance

Book expenses will be given on a yearly basis and will be reimbursed upon presentation of valid receipts.  The books should be prescribed by the school.

Research/Thesis support (as applicable)

ICSP will provide thesis allowance (as applicable) to awardees who will undertake research/thesis as part of the program requirements. 

One (1) Round Trip Transportation

This covers expenses for air/sea/land travels during the commencement and completion of studies. 

Contribution to Monthly Cost of Living Expenses (CLE)

The contribution to CLE will be given to those who will need to relocate during the study. CLE will be based on current place of residence and location of the university. This is assuming that face-to-face learning mode has been adopted by the respective academic institution

The Selection Process

How are the applicants being selected?


Scholars are selected according to criteria set by the Australian Embassy in the Philippines


Shortlisted applicants are interviewed by a panel composed of representatives from the Australian Embassy, BARMM, and key sector/s.


Equal opportunities for both men and women are ensured in the application and selection of successful awardees


Proposed field of study aligned to current work and/or undergraduate degree


Subject to the assessment, special consideration will be given to persons with disabilities and application from the marginalised groups

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions most commonly asked by applicants


When is the deadline for applications?

Applications are accepted until the 7th of June 2022.


When will the results of the assessment and panel interviews be released?

Applicants may expect to know the results of their application in July.


What types of courses are available for study under the In-Country Scholarship Program (ICSP3)?

All proposed studies should align with the BARMM’s priority areas:

  • Agronomy
  • Forestry
  • Agri-business
  • Fisheries
  • Engineering (Civil, Structural)
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Social Welfare and Development
  • Public/Community Health
  • Enterprise Development
  • Gender
  • Human Resource / Organisation Development
  • Peace and Development
  • Development Communication


What are the Partner Academic Institutions (PAIs) of the In-Country Scholarship Program (ICSP3)?

  • Asian Institute of Management (MNL)
  • Asian Social Institute (MNL)
  • De La Salle University (MNL)
  • University of Santo Tomas (MNL)
  • University of the Philippines – Diliman
  • University of the Philippines – Los Baños
  • Mapua University (MNL)
  • Polytechnic University of the Philippines (MNL)
  • Ateneo de Manila University
  • Siliman University (Neg Or)
  • Ateneo de Davao University (DVO)
  • Davao Medical School Foundation (DVO)
  • Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology (Iligan)
  • Notre Dame University (COT)
  • University of Mindanao (DVO)
  • University of Southeastern Philippines (DVO)


Should my proposed course be in the field I previously studied?

While it would be advantageous for applicants to select the proposed course based on his/her bachelor’s degree or aligned to current work, other interest areas can still be considered depending on their relevant work experience and career goals.


Does ICSP allow a non-thesis program?

Yes, in fact, non-thesis postgraduate programs are encouraged and preferred This will enable the awardees to complete the study within the timeframe. The academic institutions offering this program require other papers, i.e., project papers, assessment papers, etc.


Where can I get information about ICSP3 and its application process?

Please visit to search for more information about ICSP. You may also refer to for ICSP3 application process information. Note that currently, ICSP3 only supports postgraduate programs.


What are the eligibility requirements to apply for the In-Country Scholarship Program (ICSP3)?

A full description of the eligibility criteria.

  • Filipino Citizens from Bangsamoro areas who are committed to working for the development of the Bangsamoro region.
  • At least two (2) years of work experience after completing an undergraduate degree
  • Applicants must not be a current beneficiary of any scholarship or other similar assistance program at the time of application


Is there an age limit for applicants?

There is no age limit.


When it says a resident of the Bangsamoro, does it refer to the geographical areas of BARMM? Can residents outside BARMM but working within BARMM areas be considered?

Yes, the applicant must be a resident of BARMM who is committed to working for the development of the Bangsamoro region.


Are Contract of Service (COS) allowed to apply?

Yes, COS employees can apply


Are those working in an NGO or social enterprise in BARMM eligible?

Yes, interested individuals working in NGOs, CSOs, the private sector, etc. can apply.


What are the work experience requirements?

At least two (2) years of cumulative work experience need not be limited to BARMM agencies. It can include experience in govt, non-govt, private.


Can a self-employed individual apply for a scholarship?

Yes, as long as you have two (2) years of work experience.


Can I apply for the ICSP even if I have an existing scholarship?

No. Applicants must not be current beneficiaries of any scholarship or other similar assistance program at the time of application.


Do I need to submit my university TOR during the application?

Yes, you may. Applicants are required to submit a graduate certificate with GWA/GPA of their highest completed degree.


Can I work while I am studying?

We encourage scholars to be full-time in their studies, but scholars are allowed to work as long as they will pass all subjects and finish their studies within the approved duration of the program study.


Does the scholarship include a doctorate?

No, ICSP only supports master’s program.


Does the ICSP have a limit to the duration of scholarship/study?

The maximum study duration is 2 years for Master programs.


What significant circumstances might lead to its discontinuance of the award?

Applying for another scholarship program; plagiarism; non-disclosure of relevant facts; failed subjects/units; non-submission of reports to AAAEP, partner orgs, and partner academic institutions over the allotted school year, non enrolment in required semesters.




